Jeld-Wen Auraline

12 | J ELD -WEN .COM This innovative coating can be used in combination with other energy-efficient glasses to amplify heat retention without sacrificing light transmittance. Create a comfortable home in the coldest climates with a HeatSave™ interior coating. HEATSAVE™ INTERIOR LOW- E COAT ING Exper tly engineered to improve energy efficiency in colder climates, SunFlow™ glass allows the sun’s heat to penetrate through the glass and keep your house warm while simultaneously preventing heat loss to keep you comfor table year-round. SUNFLOW™ LOW- E INSULAT ING GLASS SunStable™ Low-E insulating glass is designed to be versatile, energy efficient, and a great solution for homes in a wide range of climates. This glass type balances visible light and thermal per formance for energy savings and improved comfor t year-round. SUNSTABLE™ LOW- E INSULAT ING GLASS SunResist™ glass is designed to prevent the weather out side from inf luencing how comfor table you are in your home. This insulat ing glass is ideal for those in warmer cl imates and is engineered to keep the sun’s harmful UV rays out of your home whi le retaining heat indoors in the winter. SUNRES I ST™ LOW- E INSULAT ING GLASS D E C O R A T I V E G L A S S O P T I O N S CLEAR AND TEXTURED GLASS Reed Satin Etch Rain Obscure Clear *H i gh A l t i tude and A r gon op t i ons ava i l ab l e GLASS Slimmer sight lines are a signature of Auraline® True Composite, with up to 28% more visible glass. Our performance options are available in expansive glass panels, to maximize natural light and bring the beautiful outdoors in. P E R F O R M A N C E G L A S S O P T I O N S *