
ECLIPSE ® ECU BASES / MOUNTS MONTEREY FMA AURORA ARU BASE GUIDE RECASENS Recacril® AURORA ARU-F RESIN/ALU./STEEL GRADE A+ GRADE A NOVA NGU GAL. PLATES LED CLIPS/LIGHTS P.01 P.43 P.35 P.05 P.44 P.37 P.09 P.45 P.41 P.39 P.11 P.47 Designer Aluminum Cantilever Base / Finishes Introduction Crank Auto Tilt Fiberglass Premium Aluminum Cantilever Base Recommendations Fabric Introduction Premium Fiberglass Cantilever Table and Free-Standing Bases Non-Stocking Recasens Fabrics Frankford Stock Fabrics Giant Telescoping Market Galvanized Steel Plate Bases MARELLA MLA GAL. PLATE COVERS RESIDENTIAL MONTEREY FM G-SERIES CAM SPECIALTY MOUNTING COMMERCIAL MONTEREY FMC G-SERIES FM SHIPPING/RETURNS CARE/MAINTENANCE GREENWICH CAM P.15 P.48 P.52 P.31 P.19 P.49 P.33 P.21 P.50 P.25 P.51 Luxury Resort Cabana Top Covers Warranties and Disclaimers Pulley Lift Fiberglass Market Giant Aluminum Market Surface and In-Ground Warranties and Disclaimers Crank Lift Fiberglass Market Giant Fiberglass Market Procedures and Disclaimers General Maintenance/Fabric Care Designer Aluminum Market Table Of Contents P.53 P.54